Change Management

Emprowa focus mainly on the combination of three knowledge areas, Operational Excellence, Change Management and Learning Organizations. Below you can read about Change Management. Click on the links above to reach the other knowledge areas.

Clock - Time to change Change Management (CM) - Do The Work Now!
Change Management is an approach to engage individuals, teams, and organisations to a desired future state and is clearly linked with Operational Excellence, aiming to change and improve traditional way of working. It's vital for the organisation to get Buy In from all employees to start, and with full engagement, participate in the change, i.e. do the work now, and not just have, a wait and see attitude towards the change effort.

Frequent and objective communication to various stakeholders is an important element of the Change Management process. By informing thoroughly the reasons for the change (why do we need to change?), and the benefits of the change (what's in it for us?), as well as the details of the change (when? where? who is involved? how much will it cost? etc.), the organisation address peoples' fear and anxiousness of what will come.

A Change Management Plan includes targets for the speed of the change (not too fast/slow) and ways for how to make the change effort sustainable, e.g. by creating a culture of team-work, awareness, learning and openness for coming changes, e.g. due to change of business needs, introduction of new technology or other external factors.

Emprowa & Change Management


Emprowa will together with the management team and/or steering committee define the Change Management program a company need to initiate and implement whatever change an organisation are aiming for. We start by measuring the change readiness already present in the organisation, and based on the results tailor a Communication Strategy linked to a detailed Communication Plan, with clear measurable goals defining exactly what every employee, on all levels in the organization, should be able to understand and clearly explain the benefits for her/him-self and for rest of the organisation.

Buy In

Emprowa uses scientific methods to identify positive and negative feelings among staff when a change is approaching. Some people love change but others are afraid and starts to find excuses not to participate or even sabotage the change effort. By knowing who is aligned and who is not yet on-board one can more effectively manage the change and how people feel about it, and hence create Buy In. Remember, if you continue working as you always have done you can't expect any change in results so there is always something you need to change in order to be able to improve.

Managing Change

Emprowa supports organisations to improve its capability to Manage Change. Globalisation and the constant innovation of technology result in a rapid evolving business environment. Management needs to understand how social media, mobile adaptability and new technology can be integrated into existing business to avoid falling behind competitors, and the effect of this evolution is an ever increasing need for change, and therefore Change Management. The use of new technology pushes demand for acquiring and integrating new knowledge, and hence training & educations systems need to be flexible enough to handle this demand.

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